One common request clients have when working with the out-of-the-box asset lifecycle (that is to say, using the default “Create” and “Review” pages, and using the default M.Final.LifeCycle.Status states) is that asset creators want to see their assets and the status of their assets. This becomes especially important if a user submits large groups of assets to asset approvers and wants to continually check in on the asset statuses, without annoying asset approvers with a bunch of messages.

I decided to create a page component that solved for this issue. See how it looks below.

The “My Assets” component sits on the homepage, and allows users to search and filter by assets they’ve created, see the status of each asset (with appropriate rejection reason if rejected), and send reminder emails to asset approver user groups to prod them if an asset has been sitting for too long.

I created this component by navigating to the settings in Content Hub by clicking the gear icon at the top right, then navigating to the “Pages” settings. Once there, I clicked on “Home” in the list to the right and created a new component in an empty row in the page to the right by clicking on “+ Component” and selecting “Search” from the component list. If you don’t have a blank row, you can create a new one by just clicking “+ Row”. Now, simply name your component whatever you’d like, and make sure the “Visible” checkbox is checked, and click Save.

Now we need to adjust the Search component settings so that it displays only our user’s assets and the information they need. Let’s click on our new component to edit the settings. You should be on a screen that looks like this.

Let’s change our filters so that we only see assets created by us. Under the “Filters” tab and “System” section, click on the “+” button to add a new filter. For the filter setting that appears, click on the “Property” radio button for Filter type, change the definition to “Asset (M.Asset)”, then select “Created by (CreatedBy)” for the Field. Make sure the Value type is set to “Dynamic”, and make the Value “Logged on users”. Your filter should look like this.

Now click Save. We still have more to do to get this component looking right! Under the “Functionality” tab, let’s check these boxes:

  • Full-text (puts a search box for a user to do full-text searches)
  • Facets (this lets us put any available facets for the users to control what is displayed)
  • Sorting (allows the user to sort the results)
  • Paging (lets us create multiple pages of results, which is useful, as this list could potentially get large)
  • Track state (persist the state of facets when users leave the page)
  • Show view selector (allows the user to switch between different outputs of search items)

Once we set these, we should have additional tabs on our component now. Let’s move to the “Facets” tab. We only need to add one: the status of our assets. Click the “+” button and choose “Taxonomy” for the Facet type. Select “Status(M.Final.LifeCycle.Status)” for the Taxonomy item, and feel free to keep everything else in its default setting. This is how my Facet looks:

Now, let’s look at how our search results will be shown on the “Output” tab.I decided to use a Grid layout to try and fit in as many assets as possible. I chose the second smallest possible layout template (the second small one on the far left). Let’s make sure the user is taken to the asset detail page when clicking on any asset by assigning the Main click area an operation with “+Add operation” and select “View detail page” as the operation. Now we need to enter some settings for our operation. For the Link, select “+ Add”, and select the AssetDetail page. All the other default settings are fine, so let’s click save.

Next, let’s make sure our search results are showing us the relevant information in our component. Under the “Fields” section, let’s add some relevant fields we want to pull from our asset details. Let’s add our title by clicking the “+” button under Fields, then selecting “Property” for our field type, then selecting “Title (Title)” for the Field. All the other default fields work for us, so we can click Save and continue on. Let’s add another field, this time with the Relation field type. We want to pull in the lifecycle status for our asset, so let’s select “Final lifecycle status (FinalLifeCycleStatusToAsset)” as our field. I like having visual aids for users, so I changed the Display Format to “Colored icon and label”. Everything else is good, so let’s his Save and continue to adding our last field, the reason for rejection of an asset (if it exists). Select “Property” for the field type, “Reason for rejection (ReasonForRejection)” for the field, and “Light small” for the style (since it could be a lot of text), then hit Save.

Our component should now be complete! The only difference between the one we just built and mine is that I have the “Send reminder email” operation available, but that action will require a bit more work, and will be a separate blog post! Hopefully this showed off an easy way to provide lots of value for your Content Hub users.

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